RS1199 IMG 7135 scr Ausbeutung Made in Europe: Unsere Antwort an Hugo Boss Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung | Clean Clothes Campaign Germany

Ausbeutung Made in Europe: Unsere Antwort an Hugo Boss


Angesichts der jüngsten Rechercheergebnisse „Ausbeutung Made in Europe“ und der ernüchternden Antwort von Hugo Boss und anderen Marken auf unsere Forderungen,

  • ergangene und geplante Aufträge, trotz der Krise durch Covid-19, fristgerecht zu bezahlen,
  • sich für Tarifverhandlungen gemeinsam mit Lieferanten und Gewerkschaften für existenzsichernde Löhne einzusetzen,
  • endlich der menschenrechtlichen Verantwortung in seinen Lieferketten nachzukommen, 

haben wir erneut ein Antwortschreiben an den deutschen Moderiesen gesendet:

To: Mark Langer, CEO, Hugo Boss AG

Dear Mr. Streubig,

thanks very much for your response.

We appreciate Hugo Boss‘ commitments to its supply chain responsibility – documented also in the report „exploitation made in Europe“ as well as in the previous CCC report „Firmencheck 2019“.

Coming back to our original questions, we would like to specify in the light of your response.

  1. Did you confirm publicly that you „pay goods ordered before the Corona crisis and already produced“ and „postpone orders where possible, rather than cancelling“? If yes, please send us the link.
  2. Can you please specify on „mitigating the negative impact of COVID-19“? Please inform us about concrete steps taken in particular with regards to any loss of income for workers for instance in connection with forced unpaid leave, reduced payment for full working hours or forced unpaid overtime. Please see CCC’s appeal to brands for a wage assurance.
  3. We are eagerly awaiting your response with regard to taking up talks with unions present in KRATEKS and PIRIN TEX and mitigating the labour issues reported from both factories.
  4. What are Hugo Boss’ concrete measures to support the adoption of a „supply chain law“ in Germany?

And may we finally urge you to get in contact with the labour inspection in all countries included in the report.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

Forderst auch du endlich aktive Schritte von Hugo Boss?

Hier kannst du das Antwortschreiben mit unseren Forderungen an Hugo Boss herunterladen. Sende diesen ganz einfach via Mail an:

Andreas Streubig, Director Global Sustainability >>>
Oder auch:,
Und… setz uns ( in CC!

Weitere Informationen: 

Beitragsbild: Hugo Boss Schaufenster / Clean Clothes Campaign



#EinEchterBOSSzahltExistenzlöhne, Ausbeutung Made in Europe, Hugo Boss, Lohn zum Leben, Lohn zum Leben Europa

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